Wild Work – Environment & Wellbeing

Using the outdoors to enhance wellbeing
Barriers such as of lack of confidence, disability, illness, lack of skills – all need to be addressed in order to progress to more actively participating in civic life, education and/or employment.
Stepping Stones programme
SECAD works with its initiative Wild Work, to provide an outlet in the outdoors for people of all ages experiencing mental health challenges. SECAD delivers a person-centred, outdoors and strengths based participatory learning initiative focused on providing pathways for individuals who may never move into paid employment. SECAD’s wellbeing initiative asks more ‘What kind of person do you want to be’ rather than ‘What do you want to be?’
Uniquely, SECAD creates an experience for people experiencing various forms of marginalisation that will build resilience, stimulate thinking about their own personal development and inspire them to actively help themselves, help nature and help their local community.
Practically, the programme also serves to improve communications skills through outdoor group activity and team building, as well as other nature based benefits reaped by individuals, simply by being outdoors and active. The programme focuses on increasing overall confidence, self-esteem and improving communication skills through outdoor group activity, journaling and skills mapping.
An interactive experience focusing on:
- Relationship building
- Relaxation and enjoyment
- Reflection
- Resilience
- Outdoor place based participatory learning initiative
- Story sharing
- Increased sense of respect and understanding of our relationship with nature and wild spaces
- Enhanced confidence and self-esteem
- Benefit in terms of improved health and well-being
SECAD is delivering this targeted, person centred initiative using a community development approach. SECAD has a strong understanding of locally based community services and capacity to help clients engage with those services and stakeholders to support their progress and to respond to a critical need identified in local communities for mental health supports at the community level, including stress management and positive outlets for people who are experiencing a whole range of mental health challenges.
The programme will also work to identify further upskilling and training options for participants and if required progress to supported work placements – e.g. Tús, First Steps (U25s only).
Eligibility criteria will apply.
For more information; contact info@secad.ie or 021 461 3432