Tús – Community Workplace Initiative

Tús is a community work placement initiative providing short-term working opportunities for unemployed people (52 weeks on Jobseekers Allowance). The work placements are provided by community and voluntary organisations in both urban and rural areas. The placement opportunities aim to benefit both the Tús participant and the community and voluntary organisations in which they work.
The Department of Social Protection (DSP) has overall responsibility for the Tús Initiative which is managed locally by SECAD Partnership.
How to participate
Tús participants can be selected randomly by the Department of Social Protection (DSP). A participant must;
- Have been receiving Jobseeker’s Allowance for at least 12 months and should be “signing on” on a full-time basis with the Department of Social Protection.
What to expect
- It is possible to apply as a self-referral to SECAD Partnership for a position on the scheme.
- If selected by the DSP, SECAD Partnership will invite you to an interview to find out your skills, experience and areas of interest.
- Selection for interview does not necessarily mean that you will be placed on the scheme.
- You will be considered for placement when positions become available.
When a Community Group has a position available, SECAD reviews the waiting list to find a match between the potential participant and the job on offer, deciding factors include skills, experience, location etc.
Basic training will be provided for all participants. The type and amount of training provided will depend on job requirements and available funding.
To enhance the value of the Tús programme to participants, SECAD also offers employment services (CV & interview training techniques) tailored to your needs.
Job profile and types of work placement
At any one time, SECAD works with in excess of 175 community and voluntary groups to place up to 240 people annually.
Current placements and job types include a wide variety of groups and organisations including the Tidy Towns and work in the area of tourism, culture and heritage, environmental and biodiversity. As well as Community Groups, Family Resource Centres, Community Councils, Care & Repair Scheme and Community Gardens. Sporting organisations – Rugby Clubs, Soccer Clubs and GAA Clubs.
Examples of placements include: (Select a placement for more information)
Camden Fort Meagher, Crosshaven
Community Radio Youghal
Lower Aghada Pier Group
The Social Health & Education Project, Ballincollig
For further information, contact: PJ Dennehy, 021 461 3432 or pjdennehy@secad.ie
Click through below to view case studies of Tús participants’ experiences on the community work placement.
Any community or voluntary group in SECAD’s area of operation can apply to take on participants for one year placements on the Tús scheme. As part of the application process, groups must show how:
- The participant’s work will not displace any paid employee who may already be doing the work.
- The participant’s placement will be of benefit to the participant, as well as the community group.
There is a requirement for host groups to make a €100 contribution towards training for each participant.
Community groups interested in applying for a placement can contact Tús Supervisors on 021 461 3432