One-to-One Services

We offer FREE, one-to-one confidential & independent services which includes the following:
- Advice, career coaching & guidance to identify your career options and goals
- Exploring the skills and qualifications required for different jobs
- Helping you to look at your options & identifying your skills and abilities
- Helping you to explore and access education & training opportunities
- How to apply for supports while you learn & new courses that are available
- Helping people to find employment that fits their needs and/or career aims
- Supporting those impacted by COVID and seeking to increase employability or better work options
- Creating or redesigning your CV using the current format
- Preparing for interviews – carrying out mock interviews including online interviews
- Assistance with writing cover letters and completing application forms
Services are subject to eligibility and are delivered online and at SECAD’s hubs in Midleton, Macroom, Ballincollig, Carrigaline, Youghal, Cobh and Blarney.
Please make all local hub appointments through SECAD’s Midleton office at 021 4613432 or