Tús – Springfield Ramblers soccer club

April 3, 2018

Joseph Moynihan

Joseph Moynihan who is under 25 years of for over was unemployed for 12 months after a Diploma in Business Studies at UCC.

Joseph Moynihan came into the Tús information day, not sure of what to expect, what Tús was all about, but was willing to find out a little bit more about Tús and what it had to offer him.

I didn’t really know a lot about Tús last January, but I wanted to do something, anything at that stage and when I was offered a Placement at Springfield Ramblers soccer club it was certainly different, something I had never done before, but I was willing to try it out and see how I got on. I was given the induction training and met up with some more people in the same situation as myself. I really didn’t know anything about the work involved, but with Paul (Collins) the man who started the same day as me I learnt quickly about pitch management, painting, and other jobs and immediately it gave me a sense of responsibility and a reason to get out of bed and get my mind focused on something again which felt great”.

Joseph really enjoyed his time on Tús and as the weeks passed his confidence and focus grew and he started to think about his future.

I now know that I want to get back into education and try to follow my passion for Art, so this month I will return to UCC to start a three years course in Art and I hope to get by BA in 2020. I now realise that Tús is not just about getting into full time employment, but is also about making you think about you future and I loved my job at Springfield Ramblers, it was the best job I have ever had and being on Tús has given me a real purpose again to pursue my future goals in life”.

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