SECAD Partnership CLG

SECAD Partnership provides a range of innovative and effective rural development and social inclusion supports to motivate and empower local communities to create a more vibrant, sustainable and inclusive society.

  • Community Development

    Supporting the development and evolution of the community sector is a central element of SECAD Partnership’s work.
  • Enterprise & Tourism

    The sustainability, vibrancy and future of our rural areas is directly linked to the existence of a range of different indigenous businesses within rural communities.
  • Environment

    Living in a good quality environment is an essential element of a sustainable community
  • Health & Wellbeing

    Healthy eating & lifestyle programmes Building confidence & self-esteem Personal and career goal-setting Eco-therapy and nature based development programmes Discover the ‘wild side’ and biodiversity of your community
  • Managing Community Benefit Funds

    Building on 25 years of experience in the administration of funding and working with communities to enable them to access investment funds, SECAD began administering Community Benefit Funds on behalf of semi state and corporate bodies in 2015, as a Grant Making Organisation (GMO). Some of these bodies include ESB, Coillte, NTR, Oriel, EirGrid and RWE. SECAD provides its GMO service for a growing number of Community Benefit Funds across Ireland.
  • Supporting Employment

    Our employment service aims to guide you towards the right supports depending on your needs and circumstances, be it unemployed or perhaps in need of short term job specific training and help to apply for jobs.
  • Work Placement in the Community

    SECAD Partnership works with unemployed people/job seekers to match them with suitable work placement opportunities in groups across communities.
  • SECAD News

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    Supported By

    • Cork County Council | | SECAD
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